F A Q s

What exactly is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy, as a system of medicine, was developed by a German Allopathic Physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the early part of the 19th century. He was unhappy with the uncertain and unscientific mode of practice. One day, while translating the materia medica in the cure of malaria. In order to ascertain its action, he took the drug himself and was taken abake to note that it produced the same symptoms developed in a malaria patient. Later on he experienced with the other drugs on himself, family members in order to observe their effects on healthy individuals. To his amazement each drug produced the same type of symptoms in healthy person. In short, what the medicine used to cure in a sick person, it actually caused in healthy person. The fundamental principle of homoeopathic treatment is the axiom "similia similibus curentur, which means the like is cured by the like". In other words, it means a person can be cured of a disease by a medicine only if this can produce similar disease symptoms when given to a healthy person.

How homoeopathic medicines prepared?

A striking feature of homoeopathy is the infinitesimal dilutions and successions that homoeopathic medicines undergo during its preparation stage. Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from a number of sources like plants, minerals, animal products, energy forms etc. The medicines are diluted serially several hundred times so that the final medicine in most cases does not even have a molecule of the original medicinal substance. For example, 30C potency medicine means 1ml of the medicinal substance is diluted in with ninety nine parts of distilled water mixed with spirits. After mixing up, the dilution is shaken up thoroughly and vigorously, a process which is called succession, and then transfer a mere one hundredth part of the vial's content into another vial and again mix it with ninety nine parts of water and spirit. And this is repeated 30 times to prepare a medicine of 30C. According to homoeopathy, the more diluted, the more potent the medicines are.

What is the treatment like?

According to homoeopathy, it is the diseased person and not diseases that are to be treated. A homoeopath will be interested in understanding the person as a whole and not confine himself to the specific symptoms of the disease for which the patient sought medical help. The doctor will try to understand the individual characteristics of the person, his habits, likes, dislikes, precipitating factors, history of previous illnesses, hereditary, mental, emotional and behavioural aspects, and so on to arrive at identifying the individualized remedy for the person (and not for the disease of which he complains of). It is through this holistic and individualized approach that the homeopath tries to get rid of the inherent PRE-DISPOSITION of the diseased person to the illness and eventually helps to achieve total cure.

What is homeopathic View of the Cause of Diseases?

The root cause of diseases, according to homoeopathy, is not the viruses or bacteria or any such external causative factors as held out by allopathy. In homoeopathy, the root cause of all diseases is the disturbance in our own spirit-like vital force. Just as illustration, imagine an outbreak of infectious diseases in an area. Though all people in that area are exposed to the same external factors that cause the disease, a few do not get affected by the disease at all. Why, the viruses or bacteria were there to attack them too. The reason is simple. Their vital force was strong enough to withstand the attack from the disease causing agents. Have you ever thought how our grand parents lived their life comfortably without falling sick at the drop of a hat, as we do now, and without the help of the so-called wonder drugs of the modern allopath?

How is Homoeopathy different from Allopathy and Ayurveda?

• Homoeopathy believes in curing the sick on the basis of the law Similars, while Allopathy does not have any particular law to follow.
• Homoeopathy stimulates the vital human energy to annihilate the disease in the body, while Allopathy believes in finding out the cause of the disease and     treating it.
• Homoeopathy gives treatment to a whole, not restricted to the local parts of the body, while in Allopathy treatment given to particular part or organ of the
• Homoeopathy needs only a single remedy at a time for multiple problems, while Allopathy prescribes multiple drugs for multiple problems.
• Ayurveda believes that all diseases originate due to derailment of the three humors of life (Tridosha) Vaat, pitta and kaffa.

Is it true that Homoeopathic medicines are the Silent and Effortless Healer?

One of the unsung features of homeopathy is that it is truly a silent and effortless healer. Those who have personal experiences with homeopathic treatment vouch that the healing process takes place internally in a silent and effortless manner. The process is so natural and smooth that you never even know that you are being cured. Compare this situation to allopathic treatment and you know how painful and mechanical the process of recovery is.

Homoeopathy is a slow acting system of medicine?

Desire for quick-fix Life in our age is very fast and we all look to quick-fixes for all our problems. This naturally tends to take us to allopathy. In fact, it is just a perception that homeopathy is slow. The fact is homeopathic medicine, if chosen correctly by a judicious homeopath by matching the symptom picture of the patient with the curative properties of the medicine, acts faster than allopathic medicine. This can be confirmed only by personal experience. It acts wonderfully fast in all acute cases, especially when the disease is detected in primary stages. It takes time to show results only during chronic conditions.

What are the wrong perception regarding homoeopathy treatment?

There is a perception among most of us that homeopathy is good only for chronic diseases his is a wrong perception that we are forced to share, though in reality homeopathy is effective for all disease conditions, both acute and chronic. Strictly speaking, homeopathy is not for treatment of diseases but for treatment of patients, whatever may be their localized disease symptoms (known by sophisticated names). The only cases where the role of homeopathy is limited are when gross structural changes take place in the patient, rare cases of very low vitality of the patient and finally unavoidable presence of certain causative or maintaining factors in the patient. So next time, if you are not being cured by homeopathy, it is not the failure of homeopathy, but it is the failure of the homeopaths

Can Homoeopathic medicines be taken during pregnancy?

Definitely YES! Homoeopathy acts wonderfully on pregnant women without giving any side effects. It is beneficial to mother as well as the fetus. Can Homoeopathic medicines be taken in addition to Allopathic medicine? Homoeopathy treatment can be taken along with Allopathy but this decision is reserved for your doctor. If a patient has restored to Homoeopathy in the middle of an Allopathic course, it is advisable not to discontinue abruptly. But otherwise, a Homoeopath is likely to taper off the Allopathic medicines at the earliest.

What are the advantages of homoeopathy?

• Homoeopathic remedies encourage your own body to cure itself naturally
• Homoeopathy treats the person not just the disease
• Homoeopathic medicines are easy to take and pleasant to taste
• Homoeopathic remedies are non toxic and not habit forming
• Safe, natural and not tested on animals with no known side effects
• Plant & minerals are the main sources.

Now homeopathy had a flourishing start and grew rapidly all over the world, the march was brought almost to grinding halt by the turn of the 19th century in many parts of the world, especially in the USA and Europe. However, over the last 50 years, despite many limiting factors including the relentless onslaught of the business behind allopathy, homeopathy is resurrecting itself all over the world thanks to a host of factors including the ever-growing realization of the futility and ineffectiveness of allopathic system of treatment. Today, legally homeopathy enjoys equal status with allopathy in many parts of the world, including India. Though it is still considered as an Alternative Therapy, the day is not too far when it replaces Allopathy from its high pedestal of the First Preferred Therapy.

What can homoeopathy treat?

Used by anyone of any age for most physical and emotional complaints. It can also help where other forms of medicine find the symptoms too vague to treat but you know something is not right. Its gentle and non-invasive nature means many are first attracted to it, as an alternative in pregnancy or for children’s health such as ear aches, asthma, eczema, sleep or emotional problems. It can help arthritis, hypertension, hay fever, allergies, menstrual and digestive disorders, to name but a few. Emotional states such as grief, trauma, depressions or anxiety can manifest themselves in physical symptoms which can prevent people from moving on. Homoeopathic treatment can help problems like these to be overcome. Treatment of cancer in primary stage is very encouraging. We can successfully prevented recurrences after conventional treatment like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. We can also treat the terminal cases to reduce pain and suffering. We may not be able to bring about a cure, but we can certainly help by bringing the end peacefully.

How Homoeopathic medicine should be administered?

The medicine should be taken into a "clean mouth." Food, drink, tobacco, toothpaste, and other substances should not be put into the mouth for at least 15 minutes before or after the dose. It is generally best to place the medicine underneath the tongue. Homeopaths have found that some substances can neutralize the effects of the homeopathic medicines. Although there is some controversy around which substances are implicated more than others, it is best to avoid the following substances for at least 48 hours after taking the final dose: coffee, camphorated products (including lip balm, counter-irritant muscle relaxing cremes, Tiger's balm), strong herbal teas, mentholated products, cough drops, and mouthwash.

What type of care should be taken to store Homeopathic Medicines?

•Special handling and storage of the homeopathic medicines are needed in order to avoid possible contamination. When the medicines are correctly
  handled and stored, homeopaths have found that they can last for several generations. Since it is very difficult to determine if the medicines have been
  contaminated, one should take the following precautions to prevent potential problems.
•The medicines should be kept away from strong light, from temperatures higher than 100 degrees, and from exposure to strong odors like camphor,
  menthol, mothballs, or perfumes.
•The medicines should always be kept in the container in which they were supplied and never transferred to any other bottle which has contained other
•The medicine should be opened for administration of the medicine for the minimum time possible. One should be careful not to contaminate the cap or
  cork before replacement.
•If, by accident, more pills than the number specified in the prescribed dose are shaken out of the bottle, do not return them to the container; throw the
  excess away to avoid possible contamination.

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